Every once in a while I do something nice. Every once in a while, lol. Like I will do something for homeless people, or I will donate to Goodwill, or I will make a charitable donation. One thing I did last year was run a 10K race for a particular non-profit having to do with women’s health. And I got sponsors and raised a nice chunk of money for the non-profit. I have never thought it was only up to the government to take care of everything, and I don’t think it ever could. So that’s why I think it’s important to help others and not depend on others to do so.
At the race, and I did this alone, no friends with me, I looked around of course at the ladies who were running with me. There were a lot, and surprisingly, and nicely so, it looked like half the people running were men. I scanned the masses, about two thousand runners and walked a bit through the crowd as we were all getting ready to get set and go. Luckily, about a couple minutes before the gun would sound and we would be off, I saw this really cute girl, obviously Latina, looking in her 20’s, getting herself ready to run by stretching, etc. Her legs, nice legs, stretched, her arms, lovely arms rotating around, her head moving around to stretch her neck, it all going on. She was wearing tight red running shorts and pink top showing some nice cleavage being held in by a red sports bra. Brown hair tied back in a ponytail.
So I walked up to her and said hello. She ignored me, lol. Or so I thought. Because as I figured she didn’t want to be bothered and turned to walk away, she said, “Oh, sorry, I didn’t hear you.” I turned to her and she had this amazing smile and I stumbled over my words, “It’s OK, I don’t want to bug you, just this is my first run ever, never did a K, I have eaten Special K and said OK a lot on my life, but I never did anything like this, and I saw you looked like you knew what you were doing, so I figured, what the heck, stay near you and I might not be crushed by a moving mob of runners, at least for the first 100 yards.” She laughed and said, “No problem, latch on to my coattails, that is, if you can keep up.”
At that moment, the race started and the mass pushed forward, and some did push, because even though this was a charity thing, people were competitive and wanted to get finished in a good time. I then told my new sort of friend, whose name I still didn’t know, that she could go on ahead, I will be OK. “See? I just said OK.” She laughed that sweet laugh again and said, “No, I now feel responsible for you. I don’t want you to get crushed. It’s OK. Hey, I also said OK.” And we both laughed. We introduced each other; her name was Rosa. I was already huffing and puffing even though we hadn’t gotten to half a mile, lol.
So we got to talking, and we had a great chat. She was a nurse. I told about my job and she told me she had a month back joined LatinAmericanCupid.com.com hoping she could find a nice guy. She had only a couple weeks before that broken up with her longtime boyfriend, and although she thought she would give the whole bf/gf thing a rest for a while, she figured she would get back on the horse. And she said she actually had a few good nibbles in the first two days, one guy that she was now seeing, and she felt it was a great match becoming serious. I was happy for her and we chatted a bit more until I had to really slow down and she went on her fast way. So that was that. Beautiful Latina girl on LatinAmericanCupid.com.com. And there are so many. Find yours.